Quantum Frequency Healing with AO Scan™
Everything is energy and frequency. Atoms and molecules constantly vibrate, making up the world we live in. When frequencies change from their optimal state, problems can occur.
AO Scan™ is a comprehensive tool for measuring and optimizing frequencies. It supports the user with valuable information on the current state of your body’s frequencies and soooooo much more! LEARN MORE
Access your Quantum Frequency scan for as little as £20!
This premier health technology uses powerful quantum technology to scan your entire body, determining which areas are energetically out of balance. It then sends the frequencies you need to harmonize and restore homeostasis where imbalances are detected.
The AO technology uses safe and effective quantum resonance scalar waves, radionics, and vibratory acoustics that are based on the discoveries of scientists like Nikola Tesla, Dr. Royal Rife, Albert Einstein and others.
The AO Scan helps you get a close look at your emotional, biological, and physical well-being from an energetic perspective, and helps you restore balance to your overall health at a quantum level!
Inner Voice Scan
The Inner-Voice scan detects the three highest notes that are excessively out of balance, or over represented, as well as the lowest note that is being suppressed.
The report highlights emotions trapped inside the body associated to the corresponding notes.
You will receive your report along with your unique 'balancing harmonics' to balance out the emotional imbalances in your body.
Please read the information below before ordering HERE
Access your Quantum Frequency scan for as little as £20!
MindSync Scan
Affirmations are a powerful way to start reprogramming your neuropathways towards mental, emotional, and physical wellness. But as you say your affirmations, your logical, left side of your brain can override the emotional, right side of your brain.
AO Scan Mindsync helps your left and right brain to merge together to act as one towards an affirmation or an idea. Mindsync sends binaural frequencies to stimulate your brain into Theta brain waves.
This groundbreaking technology enables users to record affirmations in their voices, which are woven into music and played through the AO MINDSYNC module.
You will receive a recording of your affirmations with binaural tones to stimulate the brain into theta brain waves.
Please read the information below before ordering HERE
EZ Scan
The EZ Scan technology is the most convenient and simplest way to perform Inner Voice, Vitals Scan and Comprehensive Scan
The Inner Voice technology uses a sound harmonizing technique that generates a balancing audio frequency derived from the voice spectrum in humans to diminish frequencies that are in excess and supplement frequencies that are lacking.
The Vitals Scan module is a concise snapshot of the blueprint frequencies being produced by the blood, organs, and systems of the body.
The Comprehensive Scan technology performs a detailed scan of the frequencies from over 130 organs, cells, bones, and chromosomes.
The EZ Scan will also perform the associated optimizations for the Vitals and Comprehensive Scan which will pick up anything out of range and will generate cancelling frequencies that help your organs and system achieve a state of homeostasis (complete balance). The EZ Scan report contains your Inner Voice, Vitals, and Comprehensive Scan results all in one.
Please read the information below before ordering HERE
Vitals Scan
The information obtained from the scan includes:
Food sensitives (204 items)
Blood report
Chakras & meridians report
Gastrointestinal report
Nutritional report
Physical functionality report
Toxicities report
Frequencies are automatically sent to your unique energetic signature whilst this report is running to harmonise any imbalances.
Please read the information below before ordering HERE
Comprehensive Scan
The extensive comprehensive report provides a detailed anatomical view of the organs and systems and shows the energetic state of each area scanned both before and after optimization. The variances from blueprint homeostasis are given, ranging from 1 to 9.
The detailed report will include:
Organs and cells
Connective tissue
Body parts
The technology picks up anything out of range and will send optimising frequencies that will help your organs and system achieve a state of homeostasis.
Please read the information below before ordering HERE
Subtle Energy Frequency Imprinter (SEFI)
Subtle Energy Frequency Imprinter (SEFI)This program is the powerhouse of this technology, with multiple options available to generate frequencies specific to your unique needs.
SEFI is broadcast from the technology to a specific object or person. This completely safe quantum-science technology has actually been used on astronauts to keep them healthy in space! All of this is possible thanks to the discovery of scalar waves, which Nikola Tesla researched extensively. These waves do not contain electromagnetic frequencies such as EMFs, and they can actually be used to neutralize the negative effects of other energies.
Scalar waves also make it possible to use this technology at a distance, and send frequencies to anyone with an AO Scan Mobile profile, anywhere in the world.
Tones can be ordered to be imprinted directly to you, or onto an object for £99.00. This includes up to 14 frequencies sent directly to your unique energy signature between the hours of 8pm and 10pm UK time for a three week period. The tones will reach you regardless of where you are or what you're doing at the time. Tones will be selected based on what you specifically would like them for, and your unique energy signature.
In order to order the Quantum SEFI tones, you must already have your unique energy signature on the system (which you get from ordering any of the above scans first)
Please read the information below before ordering HERE
Here's what you need to know before ordering your scan.
Use the 'Order Now' links to order. Please note that the details to order your scan will be emailed to you IMMEDIATELY - you do not need to wait until the date / time selected.
The AO Voice Scan office is open between 10am and 6pm Monday - Friday (UK time).
You will receive full details of where to send your voice scan as soon as payment is received. If you are unsure of what to expect, please watch the video at the bottom of the page which fully explains what to expect from each report.
How does this work? What do I need to do?
When you've ordered your scan, we'll need to first create a profile for you within the technology with your unique energy signature. This unique signature is made of:
Your name
Your date of birth
A picture (headshot) of you
Your weight (optional, but adds more precision)
Your height (optional, but adds more precision)
A 10-12 second recording of your voice OR a 2 minute long recording of your affirmations.
Your energy signature can be compared to a website address or a phone number. Once your unique signature has been created in your profile, you can be scanned and optimized from a distance and frequencies can be broadcast to you through the quantum field.
Are the frequencies safe?
Yes! The AO Scan technology is safe for use on people of all ages and health states including pregnant women. The frequencies do not interfere with any pacemakers or other electronic implants as they contain no electromagnetic component. The frequencies use scalar waves, which Nikola Tesla researched extensively. They do not contain electromagnetic frequencies such as EMFs, and they can actually be used to neutralize the negative effects of other energies.
How often can I get the scans done?
The AO Scan can be used daily to help restore balance to your body's vibrations and optimize your overall health and wellness.
Inner-Voice can be used multiple times a day.
Vitals Scan can be used once or twice a day, but the recommended is 3 times per week.
Comprehensive Scan can be used daily to select specific areas of your body that you'd like to focus on. Have a new injury? Headache coming on? Stomach upset? We recommend choosing 1-4 selections from the organs or body systems to view the energetic state of the areas needing the most attention.
SEFI frequencies can be broadcast multiple times a day, anytime, anywhere!